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Thanking God for
"The Faith of our Fathers!"
Thanksgiving Prayer Journeys

Nations in Africa need to go to the nations of Europe to bring prophetic tokens of thanksgiving for the gospel they received from their missionaries in the last 300 years!

God has laid it on our hearts to bring thanksgiving and prophetic expressions of gratefulness for the spiritual heritage we received through the missionary endeavors of European nations. This is obviously something very challenging in the self-focused world of today, both in Europe and in South Africa. It will need people with the same heart to step out in various ways towards what we believe is a kingdom purpose for this time and generation. We want to invite believers, from people groups that received the gospel from Europe, to ask the Lord to send one or several representatives of their people group, on prayer journeys to bring thanksgiving for the precious gift of the gospel that was received from these spiritual fathers in past centuries. Our present team visiting Germany has been filled with representatives from people groups and tribes in South Africa that have received the gift of redemption in Christ thanks to the costly investment made by different German missionary societies and streams, in the last 300 years. God has revealed to us that recognising our spiritual fathers in this way, will release a blessing to them and to us. They were not perfect, and history reminds us that they often also brought damage, but no one can ignore the eternal treasure they shared with our people. We need to honour God for raising German believers to benefit our continent, and in so doing, we will serve the kingdom processes for both nations and continents.

Prayer into
Europe / Africa

Following the ‘Nations Redeemed’ Europe/Africa prayer seminars held in April 2022 in Cape Town and Pretoria with Siegfried Fritsch from Germany, it was strongly felt to continue the prayer process for the nations. This will be done by raising prayer teams to visit Europe for thanksgiving purposes and continuing with 24-7 prayer opportunities once a year. Thereby we will keep linking Africa and Europe for kingdom purposes.

We have held 24/7 watches in 2022 and 2023 to join intercessors from Europe and Africa to pray for one another. This resonates with the kingdom strategy that was raise up in Herrnhut 300 years ago. This movement was the first modern day implementation of 24-7 prayer, and from that the first global missions movement to reach the nations with the Gospel developed. We will inform you as more initiatives unfold to further this process that we started in 2022 with the “Nations Redeemed” seminars. God wants to touch the nations. Let us make ourselves available to pray and to go!  

The strategy

  • This is but a first step in the process of raising many team from many different tribes in Africa to do the same. We encourage people groups to:

    • Communicate and come together as believers to prayerfully discuss this vision,
    • Consider who you could send to represent your people in European nations,
    • Ask those representatives to register for future prayer journeys (forms available from UPFSA),
    • Commit to contributing financially to send the representative(s),
    • Consider and gather tokens of prophetic thanksgiving that will be sent with your representatives to give as gifts and symbols of your thankfulness (things that are unique to the culture of your people),
    • Continue to take this project into prayer.
    • Assist us with your advice on how best to fulfill this prophetic task of honouring God for a people that gave so much for our redemption.

    These are faith projects and we will assist the representatives that commit to go with preparations and everything necessary to fulfill these projects. UPFSA will handle all the logistics and facilitate regular meetings where more insight and instructions will be received from the Holy Spirit for this divine task.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may need.

Want to join
24/7 Watches?

For more information:
Whatsapp +27 (0)83 321 6909

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We want to see many more regular watches raised up over the nation of South Africa and in the continents of Africa and Europe. May His kingdom come in the nations!

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